Hephzibah House Journal

Hephzibah House Journal
Susan Grotte's journal from her experience as a student at Hephzibah House, told in short-story form.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Becky Kleckner (From a Survivor's Sister)

Well it sounds like you might have made a difference to some people but Williams has that town believing that he is God or something.

The story about me almost getting arrested is a long one. But I will tell you that we protested in front of Williams property. And that we were watched every minute by the police and that if we did one thing wrong they were going to arrest us. Williams keep pulling in and out of the drive way he would go drive right past but my sister was woke up in the middle of the night and taken from the house and put somewhere else. We had the news from channel 2 and we had the newspaper and DCFS and several others involved in the case.

The problem is that he is a private and funded church and that is the problem the State cannot step in unless they have proof of the abuse that Williams is doing to the girls. You can protest and try anything you want but I am telling you that unless someone speaks up and finds him guilty of abuse he will still keep running the HH. My sister never had a period while she was there either but they took her to the doctor just before she was sent home. 

My sister was released because there was a custody issue between my Mom and Dad, My Mom lied to Williams and said that she had 100% custody but that wasn't true and my Dad had just as much right as my Mom did. So when Williams found out that my Dad was right he got scared and called my Mom and told her under the conditions of my Mom lying to Williams and Williams lawyer finding out that it was true that my Dad did have 50% custody and that he could make him release my sister he told my Mom to come and pick her up now that he didn't ever want anything to do with my Mom or our family again. That he wished my Mom all the luck in the world.


  1. OMG, somebody should call the FBI and have this guy and his wife put away for life!
    If any of the girls came from a state other than Indiana, then the FBI should be able to step in and investigate. Why hasn't anything been done/

  2. OMG, somebody should call the FBI and have this guy and his wife put away for life!
    If any of the girls came from a state other than Indiana, then the FBI should be able to step in and investigate. Why hasn't anything been done/

  3. Why hasn't anyone done anything? The entire town just lets this sick fuck walk around torturing little girls? I knew Indiana was a bad state, but wow, this is too far.

  4. In response to Anonymous2/15/13, 2:48 AM
    I've lived in this town for 6.5 years. I went to college in this town from 2001-2005. I had never ever heard of HH until today. I'm aware of their church, and we have met a couple of people from this church while out walking in our 1st neighborhood here (that was...interesting), and just about town. I can guarantee you the vast majority of the people of our community have no idea this horrible excuse for a reform school even exists. You cannot see it from the road, and they don't have signage for the "school", just the church. Unless you move in the IFB or other fundamentalist circles, you would have no idea it was there. No information. If you just happen to stumble across an archived article, interview, or find out a hidden "religious" school in your town is on Dr Phil, you are instantly just as horrified as anyone else. Perhaps more so, as it's in your own backyard and you never knew it. So, now we try, as has been done before, to bring this horror into the spotlight to try to right the wrongs and fix the loopholes that have allowed the abuse to go on for so long.

  5. Is there anything that we can do? I am sickened by what I read from the parents and girls who all regretfully were placed there. This is terrible, and how can this place be open still to date? This is something the federal government needs to look into. This is horrific to say the least. I would love to know. I was raised in a Pentecostal Holiness church and I had no choice in that, but they never acted like this. I am grateful to the pastor and staff of that church. I cannot believe this has not been to the supreme court. Someone, maybe me needs to take that on, but I am sure as there must be a Christian attorney reading this that needs to follow God's direction on this.

    1. well do it then. Do what's on your heart, seek God and He will do the rest. He cares for people so He will help you!

  6. I find it odd how this entire town just let's this exist and no one had actually physically done anything. It's kind of sad really, they literally brainwashed or paid off the entire town to let them molest and torture underage girls. Well, we all know the sherriffs were paid off.
